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Annibale Panichella
Assistant Professor
- Computational Intelligence for SE
- Automated Software Testing
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Hybrid Multi-level Crossover for Unit Test Case Generation
- Improving Test Case Generation for REST APIs Through Hierarchical Clustering
- Multi-objective Test Case Selection Through Linkage Learning-driven Crossover
- A Systematic Comparison of search-Based approaches for LDA hyperparameter tuning
- Assessing Robustness of ML-Based Program Analysis Tools using Metamorphic Program Transformations
- EVOSUITE at the SBST 2021 Tool Competition
- How to kill them all: an exploratory study on the impact of code observability on mutation testing
- Hybrid Multi-level Crossover for Unit Test Case Generation
- Improving Test Case Generation for REST APIs Through Hierarchical Clustering
- Log-based Slicing for System-level Test Cases
- Multi-objective test case selection through linkage learning-based crossover
- ReproducedPapers. org: Openly teaching and structuring machine learning reproducibility
- Search-Based Software Re-Modularization: A Case Study at Adyen
- What Are We Really Testing in Mutation Testing for Machine Learning? A Critical Reflection
- Generating Highly-structured Input Data by Combining Search-based Testing and Grammar-based Fuzzing
- SERG talk: Revisiting Test Smells in Automatically Generated Tests: Limitations, Pitfalls, and Opportunities
- SERG Lunch:
- Automated repair of feature interaction failures in automated driving systems
- Botsing, a search-based crash reproduction framework for Java
- Crash reproduction using helper objectives
- DeepTC-Enhancer: Improving the readability of automatically generated tests
- Generating highly-structured input data by combining search-based testing and grammar-based fuzzing
- Good things come in threes: improving search-based crash reproduction with helper objectives
- LogChunks: A data set for build log analysis
- Oracle Issues in Machine Learning and Where to Find Them
- Revisiting test smells in automatically generated tests: limitations, pitfalls, and opportunities
- Serverless Testing: Tool Vendors' and Experts' Points of View
- A systematic comparison of search algorithms for topic modelling—a study on duplicate bug report identification
- An adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on non-euclidean geometry for many-objective optimization
- Beyond unit-testing in search-based test case generation: Challenges and opportunities
- Effective and efficient API misuse detection via exception propagation and search-based testing
- EvoSuiTE at the SBST 2019 tool competition
- On the impact of code smells on the energy consumption of mobile applications
- Search-based multi-vulnerability testing of XML injections in web applications
- Testing with fewer resources: An adaptive approach to performance-aware test case generation
- A large scale empirical comparison of state-of-the-art search-based test case generators
- A search-based approach for accurate identification of log message formats
- A systematic literature review of how mutation testing supports quality assurance processes
- A test case prioritization genetic algorithm guided by the hypervolume indicator
- An investigation of compression techniques to speed up mutation testing
- Incremental control dependency frontier exploration for many-criteria test case generation
- Java unit testing tool competition-sixth round
- Search-based crash reproduction and its impact on debugging
- Search-based test data generation for SQL queries
- Single-objective versus multi-objectivized optimization for evolutionary crash reproduction
- Testing autonomous cars for feature interaction failures using many-objective search
- A guided genetic algorithm for automated crash reproduction
- Developer testing in the ide: Patterns, beliefs, and behavior
- Lightweight detection of android-specific code smells: The adoctor project
- Petra: a software-based tool for estimating the energy profile of android applications
- Software-based energy profiling of android apps: Simple, efficient and reliable?
- Speeding-up mutation testing via data compression and state infection
- The scent of a smell: An extensive comparison between textual and structural smells
- A search-based training algorithm for cost-aware defect prediction
- A textual-based technique for smell detection
- Automatic test case generation: What if test code quality matters?
- Continuous delivery practices in a large financial organization
- Evolutionary testing for crash reproduction
- How to catch'em all: WatchDog, a family of IDE plug-ins to assess testing
- Parameterizing and assembling ir-based solutions for se tasks using genetic algorithms
- The impact of test case summaries on bug fixing performance: An empirical investigation
- Adaptive user feedback for ir-based traceability recovery
- Defect prediction as a multiobjective optimization problem
- Hypervolume-based search for test case prioritization
- Reformulating branch coverage as a many-objective optimization problem
- Results for EvoSuite--MOSA at the Third Unit Testing Tool Competition
- Security threat identification and testing
- When, how, and why developers (do not) test in their IDEs